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“One day you wake up and it’s now just me. I’m calling the shots, what do I want for myself? I had to move quick.”

Ashlee, 20, reflects on the moment she decided to commence participating in inCommunity Connect’s programs when she was 16. At the time, she was a Year 11 student working at a fast-food chain, “I was nervous and unsure if I wanted to enter the program. But I took that big jump. Then once I took it, I kept taking big jumps.”

After spending 4-5 months in a local crisis accommodation, Ashlee was offered the opportunity to enter inCommunity Connect‘s SPin Program, a supported program where young people can build a strong rental history gaining experience in a sharehouse environment.

In SPin house meetings occur every week to two weeks, where Case Managers guide the young people through common sharehouse discussions and negotiations. Is everyone contributing to cleaning? Are there any house maintenance issues to be addressed?

Of her time in SPin, Ashlee reflects on the house meetings, “there are always going to be issues that crop up but in this time I learned to be assertive without being confrontational. Not to get hot headed.”

Alongside the house meetings are regular individual Case Management meetings, “this is where we would discuss life goals. Every week you try and check off your list. I would have 2 pages of goals for the month. Once that goal is there in front of me. I’m going to get it done.”

During Ashlee’s 3 years in the SPin program she surely did get things done. Graduating high school, getting her driver’s licence, commencing her Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and becoming a full time childcare educator. Wow!

With her sights then set on entering inCommunity Connect’s CAP (Crisis Accommodation Program), Ashlee achieved this goal and moved into her own unit. Once again building on her strong rental history, supported by inCommunity Connect’s Case Management team.

“I felt so much better, it was a new found freedom. I did get a little lonely by myself but I also loved my own space.”

Not someone to stay still, Ashlee completed her Certificate III and took on a second job with her brother-in-law, now working 7 days a week. Ashlee reflects that this was a wonderful period of growth, “Being assertive and also exercising patience. I really lent on the communication skills I had been developing.”

During this time, Ashlee also completed the Tenancy Skills Institute course Skillsets for Successful Tenancies—Dollars and Sense online. “I did it just before I left CAP, heading into a private rental. It taught me a lot. It explains and answers questions you have. Handing over a large amount of money for your bond, what questions should I be asking? Do I need to do the carpet cleaning? Little bits of information that you tend to forget.”

Nearing on 12 months in CAP, Ashlee was ready to take on her next new challenge, “I had become that independent person. In my head I was thinking, I need to rip the bandaid off. It was such a great program but it was time to take the big jump and find a private rental.”

When applying for a rental property, Ashlee exercised her resilience once more, applying for approximately 30 houses, sometimes with no reply.

“Location, prices, description of the property all impacted this, but then I got a response from one which is where I’m living now. The Property Manager said that my profile and all of my rental history looked great. I got approved for it and then now we’re here three months later. It’s going pretty well.”

Sharing this news it is evident that this gives Ashlee enormous pride, and for more reasons than we might first think. Ashlee explains:

“The last thing I wanted to do on my goal list was to get a house for me and my Dad. He’s not the wealthiest and he is sick. He was sleeping rough. It’s made me so proud that I could give him something and take him off the street. It wasn’t only a house for me. It was for my Dad and his partner. I couldn’t watch him suffer in the cold anymore.”


Bravery is in Ashlee’s DNA, and so too, is her palpable growth mindset. Her sister inspires her every day. “When she gives me advice, I’m taking it. She’s also my biggest fan too. Someone whose going to stand beside you. She’s always there to help me and support me.”

Helping people inspires Ashlee, too. “I love to do it. Being able to shape someone’s pathways. It means so much to me. I did that, I helped you, I got you there. As an early childhood educator, you might help a young child say their first words. It feels good and makes you feel proud of yourself.”

Of her future goals, Ashlee shares that in October, she will embark on new study to become a nurse. This could lead to more studies as a paramedic or fulfilling Ashlee’s dream to work at the Queensland Children’s Hospital, where she spent significant time as a child. She says, “those nurses were my best friends.”

And as we finish our chat, Ashlee says of the inCommunity Connect Case Management Team:

“During the years I think I worked with everyone. They all taught me something new. To the Case Managers, I would like to say thank you so much for helping me grow into a mature woman. For giving me a great mindset and skillset to work with. I don’t think I could have done it without them. There is so much appreciation for what they have done for me. The highs and the lows, we were doing it together. I’ll continue to use all the skills I learnt, and I’ll continue to make everyone proud.”

Ashlee continues to make us proud.

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