Find out the service delivery impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pete is sitting in his kitchen looking away from the camera.

Pete’s Story

With the festive season not long behind us and the promise of a new year still in our grasp, we invite you to watch Pete’s story. After his rental property became unaffordable and followed shortly by a relationship breakdown, Pete spent two years sleeping rough in his car within the Read more…

Hargreaves House Graduates Bailey and Tori with inCommunity Connect and Tenancy Skills Institute team memembers

Congratulations Bailey & Tori

Building practical tenancy skills, confidence and developing broader life skills is key to the tenancy education courses delivered by the Tenancy Skills Institute, especially for young people embarking on their journey as tenants. Two residents of InCommunity Connect‘s Hargreaves House, Bailey and Tori, recently graduated from the Tenancy Skills Institute, so Read more…

Team member sitting at inCommunity Inc stall for NAIDOC celebrations.

Celebrating NAIDOC!

The Tenancy Skills Institute and inCommuity Connect teams joined a long line-up of stalls filled with fun activities for the kids and stallholders to connect with at the Ipswich NAIDOC Family and Cultural Celebration. This well-supported community event included Cultural performances, a dedicated Elders’ area, food and entertainment and children’s rides. During Read more…