Find out the service delivery impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Graphic with 13000 people inspired to believe they can with cover of 2023-2024 Annual Report

A Year of Huge Impact

13,000 people engaged with at least one of our programs in the 2023-2024 period, double, plus some more from the previous year—a year of huge impact. At last week’s Annual General Meeting, our CEO Paul and Deputy CEO Nerissa delivered inCommunity Inc’s 2023-2024 Annual Report: Innovate. Inspire. Independent. This report Read more…

Attendees at Cross-Sector Collaboration Event

Better rental outcomes together!

Thank you Ipswich Real Estate Network for your time today attending our Cross-Sector Connection Event, hosted by Peter Brewer, REIQ Chairperson and Ambassador to the Tenancy Skills Institute. A chance for Property Managers to connect with the Tenancy Skills Institute and the inCommunity Connect Case Management Team to discover ways we Read more…