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Celebrating 20 years’ service

This week we celebrated 20 years of service from our CEO Paul Tommasini. We presented Paul with a picture of the words we used to describe him. They include insightful, dedicated, inspirational, trailblazing, compassionate and collaborative to name just a few.

Paul sees one of his greatest achievements as the fact that, just like him, our staff like to stick around. Most of our team earn their long service leave and a number of staff will also reach 20 years of service soon.

Our inCommunity board Chair, Lynn Mount, talked about the culture Paul has created and the teams passion for our purpose, out WHY.

Paul believes your number one strategy is culture.

“This is especially true if things aren’t great, but equally important when things are going well. If you build a great culture first, then scale up, the results will be amazing. If you scale up something that is broken, you just end up with a bigger broken thing. Some of the dividends from building culture are; innovation, productivity, staff retention and mission achievement,” Paul shared.

Thank you Paul for your service to people impacted by homelessness in Ipswich. You have always believed in focussing on people’s strengths and inspire people so that they believe that they can!

For more information about inCommunity visit our website.



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