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Crisis Accommodation

Crisis Accommodation - Young People

Hargreaves House Crisis Shelter

inCommunity’s crisis shelter located in Ipswich is a 24 hour service providing crisis support and short term accommodation for homeless, at risk and disadvantaged young people aged 16 to 21 years. Up to six people can be housed in our crisis accommodation. Services available to residents include information and advice, support and assistance with personal issues, independent living skills development, help applying for income and benefits, health, education and training. Telephone information and referral is also available.

Crisis Accommodation - Adults and Families

Crisis Accommodation Ipswich
Crisis Accommodation Program (CAP)

CAP provides short-term supported accommodation to adults and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, to assist them to move to independent living. inCommunity has 10 houses in this program. Case managers provide practical , hands on support to address any barriers tenants may have including lack of rental history, housing affordability, lack of essential household items or daily living skills.

Young people can self-refer for our crisis accommodation or be referred by any agency who has access to the Queensland Homelessness Information Platform (QHIP). QHIP is an electronic tool that facilitates access to vacancy and capacity information of specialist homelessness services across Queensland. QHIP allows organisations to undertake electronic assessment and referral to any specialist homelessness service.

If you are thinking of referring a friend or family member, we recommend you pass our contact details onto the young person so they can contact us, as referral can only take place with the consent of the young person. Family members and friends are welcome to contact us for general information.

The best way to find out if we have any vacancies that we are accepting new referrals for is by calling us on 07 3812 1199.

If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team on 07 3812 1199.