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Meet our team – Drew

What is your role at inCommunity, how long have you worked here and what does your work entail?Supporting homeless youth

I am a Case Manager at inCommunity and have been since November last year. I work in the youth shelter, Hargreaves House, which provides housing and support to young people 16-21 years old. At the shelter, myself and the team work closely with the young people to ensure they have a safe space, structure, can develop their skills, build on their strengths, and form positive links with the community.

Before working at inCommunity, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I have been lucky to have experienced a variety of roles in construction, education, and community work. however, my first one deserves a mention. My first paying job was as a trolley boy at the local shopping centre. I thought it was great to be paid to hang out there in the evenings!

What do you find the most challenging and rewarding about your job?

It is not a regular 9 – 5 job. Everybody comes with their own challenges. It is all worth it when they make progress and achieve their goals.

I love that my team at inCommunity is very supportive and encourages a healthy work/life balance.

What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?

I’m not exactly sure, I think it would still involve working with young people but in a very different, remote location (somewhere really cold maybe).

If you could share a meal with anyone in the world dead or alive, who would it be and why?

I would love to sit down with the late David Graeber and chat about his books and concepts. It would also be great to sit down with former Prime Minister Harold Holt and find out about one of Australia’s great mysteries.

What is your hidden talent or hobby we might be surprised about?

I used to play the jaw harp. I might have to take it up again.

What advice do you have for the young people you work with?

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes but also learn from them.

Is there anything you would like people in the community to know about homelessness?

People can only make good choices when they have good options. We all need to advocate for better choices in housing for those most vulnerable, and also as the vast majority of us could only be a few unfortunate events away from experiencing homelessness ourselves.

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