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SPin Housing Program

SPin Housing Program

SPin (Supporting People in) Housing Program is delivered in partnership with the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy and Churches of Christ Housing Services. It is a transitional housing program that is suitable for young people aged 16 – 25 years of age. Young people are interviewed and approved if they have the necessary independent living skills to maintain the accommodation.

Staff at inCommunity provide regular case management support to clients throughout their tenancy, while Churches of Christ Housing Services provides property management. Three individual properties are provided by the Department of Housing and Public Works, Ipswich. Once young people are approved, they become tenants by sign a Rooming Accommodation Agreement. This agreement allows the tenant to stay for a duration of need. The program also allows staff to empower SPin residents to gain skills necessary in building a positive rental history, liaising successfully with property managers, budgeting, cooking, cleaning and attending regular house meetings to assist in addressing common dynamics issues that may arise in share housing. 

If you or someone you know would like to know more about the program, just get in touch with our friendly team.